úterý, srpna 29, 2006

Pozor, tunel! / Attention, Tunnel! Posted by Picasa

Cestou horami / On the way through mountains Posted by Picasa

Cestou horami / On the way through mountains Posted by Picasa

pátek, srpna 11, 2006

Atelier Posted by Picasa

Atelier Posted by Picasa

sobota, srpna 05, 2006

Fotografka zacatecnik - Photographer girl begginer Posted by Picasa

Pod vodou - Under the water Posted by Picasa

Jaguar Posted by Picasa

Zubrovka - Bison Grass Posted by Picasa

Tulipan - Tulip Posted by Picasa

V trave - In the grass Posted by Picasa

Nebe - Sky Posted by Picasa